Interesting outlook but a fly in the ointment would be a Trump administration. Trump will partner with Orban and try to mirror his dictatorship. The Republican party no longer exists for it has been taken over by the party of Trump who has been found guilty of rape, fraud, and will be convicted of insurrection if and when taken to trial , everyone of his cabinet members and his vice-president has publicly said he should not ever be back in the white House and they will not support a vote for him. That alone should be a bell weather to the disaster that would occur if elected. Trump is mentally

Unfit to govern and is a danger to democracy, he has failed at all his business that he has tried to develop and has bankrupted the majority of all his business, I myself am a independent and can not understand how the media and propaganda machine has half a population mind controled in believing a Trump Presidency would be good for democracy ,with out his puppets and enablers in Congress this would not be an issue, sorry for the rant but I am very afraid for American Democracy.

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Affinity Partners was founded in 2021 by Jared Kushner. I'm not sure it would be a fly in the ointment.

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